Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 4

Blog post here.


Week 3

How do you start to create belief in yourself after you’ve let yourself down so many times?

How do you remind yourself that the vision is worth the momentary?

How do you change the way you use food – from a ‘go to’ whenever you’re feeling stressed, bored, tired, upset or anything other than hungry?

I know the nutrient values of food – I  know that it is meant to be a fuel for my body – I know about proteins, carbohydrates and fats – micro and macro nutrients – and what our bodies need.  Yet, I use food for everything BUT nutrition. 

This week I began – slowly. Instead of the high intensity, deprivation way I have approached losing weight in the past – I walked – alternate days and I made better food choices – some of the time.

The ‘old’ (younger) version of me would go gung-ho into exercise and cut out everything that even looked tempting – but decades on – I know that it’s short-lived…. And I can’t run like a 20 year old on a treadmill anymore! If I do – and I did try it – I can’t do anything for the rest of the week.

It is like a re-tweaking the way I do things …. and probably more importantly – a recalibrating the way I think about food and exercise. Rather than seeing them as a means to an end – I am just beginning to see them as integral parts of creating not only a healthier and slimmer me – but also as a way to feel better about myself.

So I’m beginning – what I hope will be the journey that just gets better as it continues.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week 2

Excusitis or real reasons - whatever it is - they're stopping me - the thoughts about what goes on in my life are probably the key reason why I continue to gain weight instead of lose.

I think basically, I've stopped believing it's possible to be slim again. Even my family and friends look at me disbelievingly when I say I am going to drop the weight - there's a cross between a communal sigh and smiles of disbelief from those who have watched me start ... and stop so many times. I don't even believe myself anymore - and that's really sad.

My life is hectic and some would say 'out of control'.

Every day there are what I consider 'challenges' to my desire to be slim again..... breakfast networking meetings, luncheons, celebrations for one of my family of 6 - along with 12 grand-children - always on the go and never taking the time to plan.

I have the best of intentions yet they fade into nothingness whenever I see something that I think is going to give me a feeling of enjoyment- the 'flake' chocolate on special at the check out counter, the choc fudge slice that's put in front of me from a friend who thinks she's making my day.... the pressure of eating on the run and snacking while I do things without noticing what I've eaten.

But what I think is really the bigger reason ... is that I'm not doing what I love - I'm doing what I believe I 'have to' rather than the things I really 'want to' and this frustrates me - and causes me to go for the 'cheaper' quick hits of feeling good - if only momentarily. Using food as a quick 'default' rather than doing things that fulfil me more than food - and last longer.

Rather than 'have to's I want more 'love to's' in my life ... then and only then, I believe the food fix will decrease!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Week 1

If I was shown these photos 20 years ago, I'd have reeled over with shock and hit the gym and diet plan until I was back to an acceptable (almost) 60kg. 
But the problem was 20 years ago - I still thought I was overweight even though I was 20kg lighter.
That conversation in my head - that 'I'm fat" actually became reality - because our thoughts actually do become our reality - that's my belief - that's what I've taught others - and that's what I've now proven - in a negative kind of way.
The conversations we have with ourselves are the most important ones that define who we are and who we'll become.

And the problem is, that some of these conversations go round and round on a closed circuit that we end up not even noticing - yet they're reinforced every hour of every day with every thought we have about our body and what we think of it.

So this is the beginning of a new venture - a new way of making choices in the hustle and bustle of everyday life - choices that have a better outcome - one I am happy with - one I feel better about - and one I'll be happy with in 20 years from now.
